Alicia B. | GVSU Graduation Portraits

Alicia had a very unique portrait experience to celebrate her recent and previous schooling accomplishments while attending Grand Valley State University (GVSU). She had chosen to do her portraits in downtown Grand Rapids, Michigan at the GVSU Pew Campus. Alicia was a part of the L. William Seidman Business School while earning her Master’s Degree in Accounting.

Due to COVID-19, Alicia was unable to celebrate her graduation to its fullest due to the pandemic and the restrictions it imposed on the community and students. She had requested if she could put her undergraduate cap and gown on for some photos as a remembrance of her accomplishments and time she finished her first college degree.


L. William Seidman Center, GVSU College of Business

Grand Valley State University Pew Campus, Grand Rapids, MI


Maddison R. | Downtown Grand Rapids GVSU Graduation Portraits


Editorial Engagement in Detroit, Michigan | Alexis & Cameron